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We are grateful to have been able to be a part of your project. Please take a moment to let us know how we did.
Client name Leslie Schofield Studio is organized and professional. 5 Exceptional4 Great3 Good2 Average1 Lackluster The Leslie Schofield Studio team was helpful and knowledgeable about the project and all aspects of the design including the selections they offered. 5 Exceptional4 Great3 Good2 Average1 Lackluster The Leslie Schofield Studio team communicated effectively and in a timely manner. 5 Exceptional4 Great3 Good2 Average1 Lackluster I was treated with respect by the Leslie Schofield Studio team throughout my project. 5 Exceptional4 Great3 Good2 Average1 Lackluster The Care Book is well organized and informative. 5 Exceptional4 Great3 Good2 Average1 Lackluster Presentation and coordinating meetings were run effectively, and were a good use of time for everyone involved. 5 Exceptional4 Great3 Good2 Average1 Lackluster The provided renderings were instrumental in communicating the vision for the project. 5 Exceptional4 Great3 Good2 Average1 Lackluster The design for our project is exceptional and one of a kind. It is just what we wanted! 5 Exceptional4 Great3 Good2 Average1 Lackluster The selections provided by Leslie Schofield Studio are of exceptional quality and typify true luxury. 5 Exceptional4 Great3 Good2 Average1 Lackluster Expectations for the process and project were absolutely met. 5 Exceptional4 Great3 Good2 Average1 Lackluster How involved did you feel in the decision-making and project management processes? Or in other words, did our team listen to your suggestions and incorporate them adequately? Would you consider working with us on future projects? Would you recommend Leslie Schofield Studio to your discerning friends and associates? Why or why not? Is there any other feedback, comments or applause that you would like to share with us?